Mark Kelly, PhD, is a research scientist, stock trader, real estate investor and the author of the book, Dating the Stock Market – 10 Key Mindsets You Need to Excel as a Trader. Mark has been trading and surviving in the markets for over 30 years, and has taken his passion for trading to the next level by developing his inner self. He has learnt the hard way that you can’t control the markets—you can only control yourself—and is now using the wisdom he has learned to help other traders get to the next level. Through the Calgary branch of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysis he has enjoyed the opportunity to be able to teach the members various aspects of his trading approach.

With passion and persistence, he has steadily improved his trading skills and his ability to trade the uncertainty of the markets. He has come to the realization that once you have identified an edge, it is your ability to trade that edge that determines how successful you are as a trader. Mark prefers to trade using either daily or weekly charts.

One of Mark’s goals is to take the profit that he produces through trading and purchase various types of properties around primary schools and universities. Properties around primary schools will be suited in which discounted rent will be provided to financially challenged, small families with inspirational children with the intent that these children will go on to make significant differences in the world. The university properties will be more geared to full homes which will house multiple students and provide scholarships to these students for maintaining high academic standards.

Mark likes to travel with his family and is blessed with having had the opportunity to visit more than 25 countries to date. He enjoys skiing during the winter and camping during the summer.

Dating the Stock Market

10 Key Mindsets You Need to Excel as a Trader

Get the book NOW on Amazon!!!

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